Do you like going to the office for team-building activities?

  • 8
    nobody likes team-building activities. except for the consultants who suggest them, because of the paycheck.
  • 3
    @tosensei I don't even care for the free food at these team-building days.
  • 7
    My boss would get everyone to go to the office so she could give a presentation for 1 hour about company values, the future, and a whole lot of nothing. She would then pick topics and ask each person to say something about it.
    When I asked her why she said it was for team building.

    These people are so far removed from real human interaction.
  • 4
    I would rather eat a turd.
  • 3
    As long as I'm paid, I don't care.

    Don't count on me to interact with people tho.
  • 4
    @ars1 sounds like the place I work at. Last time we had to go to the office they made us listen to other people in the business talk about what they do and their processes. I almost lost my shit.

    This next get-together they're taking an entire day to make us go on an early morning hike and then the afternoon spend time celebrating a system I didn't work on.
  • 1
    yea cos my colleagues smoke weedz
  • 5
    I once got pulled into a meeting about our company values

    after the presentation the manager asked me for comment

    and I told him I was confused because we don't follow these

    we were supposed to have that meeting every month apparently but we never had another one again

    honesty was first on the list... and we literally did accounting fraud on our clients on the daily lmao, the managers would bully you to change your logged hours all the time. INTEGRITY
    it was pretty nonsense also, sometimes they wanted you to lessen the hours sometimes bloat them. in the end I don't think it changed anything which was sort of funny, but also fucking retarded. neurotic people
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