
Nearly half (47%) of workers using AI say they have no idea how to achieve the productivity gains their employers expect.
Over three in four (77%) say AI tools have decreased their productivity and added to their workload in at least one way.


  • 6
    I enjoy AI autocomplete. It saves me a lot of typing. (Though its code suggestions almost always need fixing.)

    If you use it as a pattern predictor, it’s grand. If you use it to summarize or understand things for you, you’re gonna have a bad time.
  • 7
    Github copilot is your very enthusiastic but not terribly bright pair programmer, who has memorised several textbooks but didn't really understand any of them.
  • 3
    Keep in mind devs are quite specific community, i.e. agree on Copilot. I'm using it too and yeah, it's needs corrections but it's not bad.

    Our corp also has private instance of GPT4. The decline of quality since last year is noticeable.

    But the key part of statement is "gains their employers expect". Imagine all those CEOs sold on hype how GPT wrapper will generate 10x workers, now realizing it's not coming true and blaming own employees instead of their overinflated expectations.
  • 2
    my trial of the IDE autocomplete tool ended and actually now I think I code faster...

    because I had to write a line out and wait for the autocomplete to trigger then press the key, then fix whatever it wrote 1/3rd of the time. this actually added a lot of milliseconds turns out

    now since then I have learned the reflexive pattern of "I wanna rewrite code" that it taught me with the autocomplete, but I just copy the line where I currently have it and paste it and it's actually faster

    also the other thing is I don't have any context-switching overhead anymore. cuz every time it auto completed I had to actually read what it wrote, and for me inputting new data into my brain is annoyingly slow compared to me just thinking internally. so actually kind of vibing not having someone giving me "input" all the time

    I do miss having access to opus and asking it ridiculous syntax questions though. but that's the only AI that can teach me something
  • 1
    Boss: We have bought you AI so istead of doing you will be telling AI what to do, expecting 100% profit increase and we will let go 50% of our employees.

    People: But we don't know how to speak with AI using our language

    Boss: You just speak english, don't be so stupid.

    People: It doesn't understand our english, we need prompt engineers to translate what we want to the prompts.

    Boss: No you don't let me show you ... types something ...

    AI: outputs some crap

    Boss: Listen you little shit...
  • 1
    I like it for skeleton generation and shell script generation. Autocomplete is hit and miss but often it saves a couple seconds.

    I also like it for UI stuff because I suck at UI and I hate writing it ( I don't work as frontend, i mean UI just for my personal projects)
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