Don't you just love it when people in an organisation enable micromanagement because they're a bunch of fucking corporate simps?

  • 3
    Hey micromanager, I wrote this line of code, is it okay? Should I proceed to the next one?
  • 3
    For us, there isn't any upward career paths, so they made up management positions for the sake of 'promotions'. For example, in my department, it's only my manager and me and he writes waaaay more code than I do.

    Fortunately, the micromanaging nitwits either quit or were fired and the devs that were promoted to managers are 'regular' folk that only want to do a good job. Write code, make user happy, wash-rinse-repeat.
  • 6
    I just had a PM suggest what I should name an enum today lol
  • 2
    I hear over 50% of the economy is rent seekers, like... on the economic scale. they just funnel information somewhere else and take some money off the top. like as a business.

    extrapolate that to the microcosm within an organization and it explains a lot

    culture rot
  • 1
    @jestdotty this is how we get serfdom 2.0
  • 0
    They’re just coaching and mentoring.
  • 2
    @spoiledgoods > "serfdom 2.0"

    Thank you socialism.

    You will own nothing and be happy.
    - Glenn Beck - The Great Reset
  • 2
    @PaperTrail That direct line comes from a man named Klaus Schwab, and what he was referring to is the notion that ownership is dying, and it is being replaced with "for rent" and subscription services ie. squeezing every last drop of profit out of everything

    Coming correct is cheaper
  • 0
    @jestdotty capitalists are against rent-seeking/regulatory capture the same way mice are against dropping food between the fridge and counter
  • 0
    @jestdotty this rent-seeking behaviour you're describing is endemic in our current society and we absolutely, 1000% do not live under communism.

    it's hard to tell if you're being satirical or not but the WEF and the sum of its parts do not represent communism nor socialism, whether publicly or privately. they literally could not exist under a communist system.
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