
Sometimes I start to wonder, if people even read what I answer them in tickets... Why bother when you can just be above that all and just repeat your previous points?
When working somewhere, with destinct departments, its understandable that you send them a ticket, they evaluate that and you can figure something out together. The issue arrises, when the other person across the ticket does not seem to wanna acknowledge the information you provide.
I want a simple automation in Jira with webhooks, why is it so hard to read the docs I send and acknowledge it. It seems like they try to ignore what I am saying and just keep their once formed opinion.
It just makes me mad, when they don't even wanna talk about it in person/via a Meeting

  • 3
    Going on a guess here, they're probably the kind of people who think "help" means you just doing it for them.
  • 2
    @SoldierOfCode Sadly not, I can deal with that. They just dont want to take the time out of their day to just talk out their problems with my idea, instead going back to "I said my part" without anything else
  • 1
    My teammates in a nutshell. You can send an image and highlight and everything and they will not read or click the image which is noticeable by their reply.

    Even worse when they try to debug, don’t send the logs or location or whatever they are doing, and highlight the wrong code or don’t read the comments. You highlight the issue and they keep on focusing on the wrong parts and it was their damn inputs like suggested they check the first time.

    A teammate even rewrote parsing of json objects with use of sed and regex instead of jq/yq or libraries… I don’t even argue anymore and finally updating my resume.
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