
Is there a Linux distribution without a lot of problems with Nvidia drivers? I'm currently using elementary os, because I like the look of it, but I'm getting a lot of graphical glitches and black screens all the time and I was wondering if changing to another distro would help. Is elementary is known for graphical glitches, or is it just the Nvidia drivers? I've also turned my display manager into a mess while trying to customise my login screen, so it might be a good time to change to another distribution. Any recommendations? And one more thing, just out of curiosity, can you install multiple distributions and use the same home directory if home is mounted on a separate partition?

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    I had the same problem and i switched to mint and installed NVIDIA drivers and now everything is fine. (And yes you can have more than 1 distro and the same /home partition)
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    I've ALWAYS had graphical glitches with eOS, on 3 devices. I haven't had so many bugs with any other distro out there.
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    Thanks for your replies. I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble with elementary. I'm currently trying out Kubuntu in a VM and I'm loving it so far. All the customisation is so cool. I hope KDE doesn't have a lot of issues.
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    I have glitches on wayland (ubuntu eith vanilla gnome) but on X I don't have any issues. I don't know if eOS also uses wayland and if you can switch to X...
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    @n0ah elementary doesn't use wayland
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    Yes, Windows
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    The Pop OS distro (built on Ubuntu) comes bundled with Nvidia drivers.
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    Maybe I want to try Arch?
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    Don't think about distro, just learn to configure and install Nvidia drivers correctly. Which is pretty much what people do on distro like Arch/Void/Gentoo...
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    @Celes I'm pretty sure the drivers were installed correctly, but I'm not sure what you mean with configuring them (maybe because I'm still kind of a noob). But I'm going to try Antergos, just because I can and I want to try it out.
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    @Danacus configuring xorg or Wayland mostly. Nvidia drivers come with a lot of documentation. And the fun part is when you have a classic laptop and have at least 3 way to use your card :D
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    @Celes I should really start looking at documentation by myself instead of desperately reading forum posts. I didn't even realize there were ways to configure it tbh.
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    tried manjaro and pop on my nvidia. both fine.
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    It is a while ago that I had to use NVIDIA drivers but did it on Ubuntu (12.04 if I remember correctly) fore some games and worked quite well ... And was really easy to install.

    Have no experience on other distributions & NVIDIA drivers - sorry
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