Some people referencing each other makes it seem like this platform is a small circle. Do you guys meet in real life too?

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    No meetups since I've been here, or not to my knowledge.

    Fucking 9GAG can host annual meetups, why can't we?
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    I would like this platform to be a small circle, though. Makes me feel like I "know" who I am talking to.

    I don't want 50K devs here, all spamming shit and what not. Or become yet another fucking LinkedIn
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    There were meetups way back.
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    @Alice I remember those. Sadly something called COVID came along and destroyed whatever was left of social energy.
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    @NeatNerdPrime yh, social energy didn't restore after covid for me. It affected stuff.

    There were meetups in the Netherlands few times (Nijmegen i guess) but not anymore. This community is well spread over countries, hard to meet up.

    Some communicate besides here in the matrix channel. To find it, search for drcc on this site
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