
Ads on youtube,
Pop up Ads on games,
Ads on torrent sites,
Pop up Ads on porn pages,

There are people who are happy that they get money out of them,

And, there are People who think it is unfair to have so much ads.

Which person are you?

  • 2
    I won't care if there is about 2 or 3 in one page.
    The real reason why there is adblock is bcuz there are too much
  • 4
    I think "unfair" is the wrong word to use here. It's the owner's decision what they do with their site, not the user's. If you don't like how many ads they shove in your face, either use an ad blocker or go somewhere else. Depending on that behavior the companies can make further decisions. It's just how business works.
  • 1
    What ads?
    Haven't seen any in ages... Oh wait that might be adaway...

    PiHole coming up as well.
    Oh you don't allow adblock on your site? Too bad *closes tab*
  • 1
    I dont mind ads on porn sites because that really is the only way to keep it free and high quality. Any other site/news/youtube etc has multiple viable business models and i will block their ads without mercy
  • 1
    Use coinhive
  • 1
    @BagarraoEduardo Reddit is a good example of this
  • 2
    @RickDiculous179 Instead of closing the tab.. just disable javascript, without javascript adblockers can't be detected..

    Works for me, 9/10 times.
  • 1
    In moderation most things are fine. People need to make a living.
  • 1
    @ThaOneDude there is no moderation most the time though
  • 1
    I use adblockers because i hate all these ads everywhere.
  • 1
    @theMaintainer How well would the site work afterwards? If at all.

    Besides... Too much work :)
    Close tab, move to next Google result, life continues
  • 2
    @RickDiculous179 In most cases, vetter than you'd think.
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