Week : 55 ( Year 1 )

How is your weekend going?

Which animal would you want to be in your next life, if you believe in reincarnation, other than a human?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/11143246

  • 3
    Dunno, some kind of deep sea squid maybe
  • 1
    A lot of coding. Working on my standard C library with common used functions by me (I think every C dev has such lib :P) and bench marked some code from myself and a friend. We're checking if our stuff can be faster than default std and of our solution is faster than the code GPT comes with. Problem is - GPT kinda contains mainstream code and it's often like you would've written yourself.

    Played with LaunchPad a bit and it's versioning tool called Bazaar. Works quite good but LaunchPad itself doesn't feel very decent, bit half assed.

    Now making gifs from my terminal using ttyrec and ttygif. I have a very nice build system so wanted to have it giffed.

    And you?
  • 2
    Here stuck without PC until Monday because the fuckers from CTT are incompetent bastards.

    Wish I could turn into a komodo dragon and bite them all so they die slow, horrific deaths.
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX come back to Spain, Correos isn't that bad XD
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    Fun thing, in order to RMA it, I had to actually load it into my car, drive to Spain and drop it at a Correos office because CTT was taking over 3 days from the pickup date to actually pick it up.

    Should have asked for delivery in Spain and bring it with me, but alas... too late for it.

    I live pretty near the border anyway so from now on every delivery is gonna be set to the nearest post office in Spain and I will simply drive to fetch it.
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    @retoor I am working on a side project. Niche item. Doing beta testing with colleagues. Pushing ML into wherever I can to make a difference, of course
  • 0
    @sandeepbalan what langauges do you use for ML?
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    I want to become a chimp!
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    @retoor I will update you on that pretty soon
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    @TeachMeCode is reverse evolution evolution?
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