
As a developer how do you choose your languages? By popularity, capabilities or requirements?

  • 6
    All three. You choose a language you can get expertise to maintain. The language must be capable of fulfilling any hard requirements. Ultimately the requirements dictate everything if specific enough.
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    can do stuff I wanna do in it and for some reason it's in demand or probably will be in demand (just in case), these two generally correlate natively

    most languages are just like every other language so you can pick stuff up and make something stupid as you run into them, you just won't be expert except in a few because time
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    You don't choose a language, the language choOses you. There's some that I tried to choose but they never felt right, and then there's a lot of languages I stumbled upon randomly and now I use them all the time
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    1) can I get paid to use it?
    2) do I like it?
    3) does it have decent documentation and / or community?

    Those 3 are usually good enough for me. I’m not that picky, unless it’s something absolutely horrifying like objective c
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    @ars1 those are the only 3 I need
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    When I was 13, it was me and my mum. We didn't have enough money for the internet because she resigned after some racist remarks so I started diving in my C:/ drive and opened a .js file in the cache.

    I've been faithful to JAVASCRIPT since then. We have a very intimate relationship, JAVASCRIPT and me.
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    In some areas like mobile devices development, there are not many languages to choose from.

    Native iOS? C++ vs. Objective-C vs. Swift? A no brainer.

    Native Android? Java vs. Kotlin? A no brainer.

    Hybrid/Cross platform? There is only one language supported for each hybrid tech. A no brainer.
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    Never choose by popularity. See JavaScript. It’s the most popular language. If you consider yourself a serious developer, you choose a serious tool. Unless you are a clown, then you can pick whacky toy tools for your job.
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    SCR - Spaghetti Code Resistance
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    Ease of use.

    Note that this is not the same thing as "ease of wanking out a hello world program".
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    @mostr4am the first I opened was a .bat file. Nowadays I wouldn't even touch that thing with a stick.
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    @cafecortado JAVASCRIPT have metaphysical properties that allows one to adjust the actual fabric of existence. JAVASCRIPT is the language of the angels.
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    @mostr4am demons are fallen angels. So being angelic is not necessarily the best defining quality.
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    @Demolishun yea god is a bitch. I side with shaitan.
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    @mostr4am your mother made the remarks and got fired? If so, how can you be a SJW? Look how terrible that can be. Racism is not good - but losing your job (big part of your life and critical) over some remarks is just too much. A shame if she got fired for that
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    @jestdotty if you put penor in vegana you can get a 50/50
    Trust me, I played devil may cry
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    @retoor yeea but come on nobody want to work with racists. Those idiots were making foreign student life like hell just for the lulz. Scums
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