

This is a major part of my workflow, and I wanted people to see it. So I went an inch-deep on quicktime screen recording and ffmpeg flags to produce this low-quality gif.

I pop open the alfred text window with cmd-space, and have it set to use DDG as my default search provider fallback. In this way, I'm able to execute bang-searches without having to load any urls, or even move the pointer.

What kinds of productivity/workflow tricks do you use?

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    I just alt-tab to browser, use alt-d to select the address bar and type the search. Only time I need to move mouse if I don't find something in DDG and need to change the search for google.
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    How did u customise the spotlight
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    You can just put !g in front of your search to make DDG send the search to Google.
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    It isn't spotlight. It's alfred. It's far more functional and flexible than spotlight.
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    Omg thanks for the tip!! :)
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    I just learnt about ddg bangs yesterday( switched yesterday) so helpful
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    And now I know how people end up with 100+ tabs.
    Productivity at the cost of resources 😏
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    Yeah, I don't really understand the excessive use of tabs. When I'm done with one, I close it. On average, I never have more than five to ten tabs open at a time. I'm fastidious about it. I think the people who keep 75 tabs open are the same ones who have 17,498 emails in their inbox.
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    @bahua I’m the same, any more then 10 and I start to wonder what I’m looking for, Plus once you find something reuse the tab or close it.
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    If I'm using a tab a lot, I'll often detach it and move it to the other monitor, so I can keep it up. But yeah, when I'm done, it's curtains for that tab.
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    A few months I listened to a podcast about alfred. I was really excited to learn this tool but only macos :(
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    Yeah, it's a shame. Though there are keyboard launchers for Windows and Linux too. In Windows I used launchy and something with a name like find and fun robot. The selection in Linux is much much better. There are lots of them. My favorite is mutate, followed by ulauncher.
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    @bahua what is Alfred?
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    It's a keyboard launcher made for MacOS. In my experience, it's the most polished, mature such piece of software.
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