
Every religion's idea of heII paIes in comparison to what one man can do to another man. “If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness.” This is a quote etched on the wall, inside one of the Mauthausen concentration camp cells.

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    It won't let me post the image. But I think both India and some South American cultures talk about a demon/gatekeeper locking people into a reincarnation cycle. I have talked to people who have used drugs and have seen the gatekeeper. At least they said what they saw looked like the gatekeeper depicted.

    I am on the fence of reincarnation, but I find it interesting to think about. It is some respects the idea that hell is what we are in now. Trapped for millennia.

    Anyway, here is the image:

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    Yeah totally because in hell, there is relief in total helplessness
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    My oma was at Buchenwald by way of Chelmno as an young adolescent. the thing she remembers most is the smell
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    @spoiledgoods here, our actions have consequences for both ourselves and others. Truly, it is worse.
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    @Demolishun this is image of samsara wheel being holded by yama.

    Samsara is cycle of life and yama is lord of death. Samsara hs several levels and it represents how often low vibration emotions(like agression or desire) can swing us in different realms of life (part of wheel that has six parts).

    Very interesting theme.

    Also demons holding the tunnel of light that want to trick you to pass into it are Archons, read about them in gnostic bible. What happens when you go through the light? You forget everything from this life you just lived (this is not supposed to happen as we are here for the experience) then you are born again as a blank slate.

    Archons are feeding of of the human life energy and when they cycle you like that you are again unaware of their existence so they can feed and prolong their life. We are just cattle to them.

    Interesting topics, but you have to read a lot to connect all the dots.
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    @jestdotty good and evil are just human mind constructs based on our perspectives.

    If we are cattle to some species, are they evil to feed on us? Is the farmer evil if he kills the pig for feeding his family?

    Some other shit people tend to do really pisses me off. I am not saying that there is no evil or good, just that they are defined by our perspective.
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