
Freaking github markdown! I just want this directly under each other like i fucking wrote it:

[Client implementation](implementation_client.md)
[Server implementation](implementation_server.md)

But it's places it together on one line. Fine, i put a new line between it.

[Client implementation](implementation_client.md)

[Server implementation](implementation_server.md)

It fucking shows a blank line in between!

I'm sure the github CTO was seen on Epstein's island

  • 1
    Yeah controlling whitespace and line breaks with markdown is a pita.
  • 3
    Try adding a double space at the end of the lines.
  • 1
    @cuddlyogre lol, I'm sure it's a joke
  • 1
    @cuddlyogre i was using it quite a lot. but then i've also started to use pre-commit hooks for trailing whitespace removal and of course, it deletes all the doublespaces and new line breaks with it
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