
At the end of the avenue, lived its creator. Well, used to leave. The weird half-house is hoarded, and his skeleton is there somewhere.

When flying above, I noticed a small enclave with fancy but small buildings. I put on my cloak and landed.
“What is it? It’s easier to answer what it is not”.
The hatch opened. I went in, about 30 meters. The hatch closed behind me. The tube-powered holographic screen lit up. “I think the secrets of the universe is more important than knowing today's weather”, she said, smiling.

I put on a blueprint of their superbug. Incurable, it had molecular ammo on it.
“Thanks”, I said, leaving. “Forgive my autistic antics. As for my cat, well, they copy their owners’ behavior, don’t they?”
And I took off.

I finally got some tattoos. I don’t know why, but all of them were about menstruation.
“I don’t want to let _him_ into our tattoo life club!”, my cousin said.
I then connected our M1A1 Abrams to a military tablet I stole from the avenue creator. “What’s that?”, my uncle said. “It’s the fourth time already that I get us new fiber optic cable. Think about my father! He’s dying!”
I hug my cousin. She was already dead.

This is why I’m stuck here. In the middle of nowhere, in a rusted trailer, naked, eating uncooked human meat from a dog bowl.

  • 1
    I found a typo
  • 2
    Anyway, if I had such dreams, I would never sleep again
  • 2
    @retoor Being afraid of going to sleep is a nightmare in itself šŸ˜±
  • 2
    this entire post is absolutely fucking wild.

    I'm jealous of how fucking absurd your dreams are.
  • 2
    @Wisecrack I‘m jealous of how much kiki seems to be able to remember.
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    @Lensflare the secret is I keep my phone near me when I sleep, so after I wake up, I mumble my dream as fast as I can into the mic
    Then when I fully wake up and the dream is seemingly gone, I listen to this recording that seems completely alien, and I remember everything
  • 1
    @kiki I'd buy a book of your crazy ass dreams for a five dollar bill.
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