TIL indians live on the "satisfaction" plane hence saying yes to things they can't do to satisfy you, but also dissatisfy people as a form of attritional warfare, which is their specialty.
I was watching the trump v Kamala debate and was reminded of a bunch of tactics I've had used against me by an Indian lead dev, who I ignored the behaviour of and didn't think she was actually hostile to me until it was too late. but it made me feel so bad for him and I got an epiphany. it seems like the tactics are the same, so I got curious if there was an Indian art of war

Interestingly the AI said yes but directed me to the wrong book. I did find the right book eventually. it exists. the Chinese stole ideas from it to write their sun tzu art of war, but it's basically a Machiavellian manual before Machiavelli was alive. very cool

also turns out China is behind everything. I remember ages ago I got in a fight with a schizoid programmer friend of mine because he knew China was taking over everything and he wanted them to win, and I was rooting for team India because they were far less miserable than the Chinese. don't make a deal with the Chinese. guy was stupid. they treat people like irrelevant meat

China seems to be connected to everything that's going on right now.
- they're infiltrating Canadian politics, get international students to change Canadian election outcomes (200k/30m people who weren't citizens but got bussed to voting centers and just used proof of address to vote. they changed outcomes of 4 elected officials in one province, and local Chinese people are saying they get threats about their family back in China if they don't do what China tells them to -- but our elected government just keeps quiet on it and then goes to China for new orders during "climate conferences" and uselessly gives them a bunch of our fucking money)
- there was issues with the Chinese buying up real estate in Canada and just leaving them empty. it's probably still happening even though Canada eventually imposed a tax on leaving empty real estate around that you're not renting out. they're still buying up properties, and we have an increasing housing shortage as a result. one of my old apartments a white guy, who was suspicious and shifty, bought the unit and forced us to move out citing code violations (you can't kick someone out otherwise here because of very strong renter's protections). they never introduced who bought the place, but they did have 7 ALL CHINESE SPEAKING IN CHINESE people come in and measure everything at the apartment. so they're definitely still buying up real estate
- are behind the green agenda (our politicians seem to take orders from them under this guise)
- seem to strangely have had camps where they let migrants pass through the South Americas to get into united states, were very closed off and hostile to anyone snooping so it was up in the air what they were doing there. after people came to snoop the camps up and disappeared
- are who USA is competing with in the AI race, the whole AI narrative is literally a fight between the west and China

and there's a super smart systems guy who thinks they were behind the world economic forum and I'm increasingly starting to believe it

all electronics coming from China should be a concern. it isn't

there's tons of Chinese trying to enter open source software to install backdoors. they're nearly successful or successful often. same with that DDoS on DNS years ago

there's rumours they've been running Canada since the 80s, via infiltrating Canadian tech companies to steal their software and are the gatekeepers for a lot of underground stuff

I'm starting to believe even the COVID virus was on purpose. I didn't before. there was a number of labs that had that virus, a lab leak happened around Ukraine 6 months prior to the "Olympics outbreak" (seriously that was PERFECT timing for a lab leak if you wanted to do a bioweapon on purpose -- you would hit every country at once!), but there was also a lab in Canada that had it and some reporters were upset about it because the lab didn't seem to care about our national security and was letting suspicious Chinese nationals work at it, and for some reason there's been discovered a BUNCH of illegal makeshift Chinese labs in California with super vile stuff in them

and what the fuck was that Chinese spy balloon fiasco anyway. you can't shoot it down? I think that was a test to see how fast and readily the west would defend itself. or maybe they wanted to see the response procedures

and then on top of it many people think the opioid epidemic is all china. china makes the drugs. it would also fit perfectly, because in the 1800s or whatever the British empire had entirely decimated china for decades by getting them addicted to the opioid trade. eventually the British empire merged with USA and now USA is basically the head of the new British empire

I think we're at war with China and literally don't fucking know it

  • 1
    someone defined communism not as an ideology but a set of tactics

    I think that's a perfect definition
  • 0
    ... I don't actually remember if it was the Olympics or some other conference that was scheduled from that airport in China when covid-19 happened, but either case people from many varied countries attended and then flew back so it would serve the same profile if one were an evil mastermind and wanted to play Plague Inc. guess cuz search doesn't work anymore I'm too lazy to find out what it was
  • 5
    We went from India to Canada being a secret Chinese community very quickly here :D

    Maybe they just love maple syrup.
  • 4
    @Grumm this model hallucinates a lot
  • 3
    a lot of countries interfere with each other in big, but subtle ways, be it america, the uk, russia, israel, iran, or china, though china is the least subtle about it.
  • 2
    forgot your tinfoil hat again?
  • 1
    @Grumm If they like that shit then it's worse than I thought.
  • 2
    @Wisecrack dont forget belgium.
  • 2
    @mostr4am belgium doesn't get a lot of mention. nor does canada.
  • 1
    @mostr4am Belgium yes, but a few other countries in the EU also
  • 4
    @tosensei The Australian government want us to wear tinfoil hats because they control the supply of bauxite. Follow the money.
  • 2
    The fentanyl situation is ant act of war from China indeed. They have fentanyl perfectly under control. America has the issue, China and Europe doesn't. First time drugs doesn't find a way while this is way easier to transport than other drugs? Very sus. YouTube has a nice docu about it.

    Buying buildings is just a good investment. EU has regulations that state funded companies can't buy a lot to enforce fair market. Houses here are bought by Americans, Black Rock, but they're not kept empty. All is full. I live in an expensive vacation house on a nice park because of that. They're not responsible for housing crisis.

    Why do they let buildings in CA be empty? Why not rent it out for a high but affordable price?
  • 0
    @electrineer you never know if it's hallucinating or that you're just not smart enough if you don't ask what you don't understand
  • 0
    I'm an Indian (1st generation born in the US; ABCD kid who can't speak Hindi anymore) ... I've been back in my youth and I understand/agree with the issues. India corporations have a horrible culture or corruption. It's like a nation of the worst US/EU "consulting" companies.

    There are good engineers and good companies in India, and that's what keeps a lot of the infrastructure afloat ... but the CCP has clean water in most areas (although terrible food safety) and India still has neither.

    I've always thought the Scamdemic was a scam from the beginning. Whether it was rebranded flu or a real novel virus that was made out to be more dangerous than it was doesn't matter. The effects, the authoritarianism, the forced medication for the least tested preventative in modern regulatory history .. everyone forgot about all that stuff.

    Good ran. I want to yell *take your meds* 😅 .. but seriously though, glad your eyes are open.

    Also, Trump totally didn't a real bullet to the ear.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack fuck canada. Belgians are ruling the world in secret.
  • 0
    @Grumm yeah but we were the first. The others just copied us.
  • 1
    Interesting anecdote about the Indian dev. I have experienced something similar, also having to do with an Indian dev.
  • 2
    @retoor a dude on Twitter notified me of the drug issue. he was trying to vilify Bitcoin saying that the drug people in Vancouver were using it. I asked him for a source and he sent me over an hour long documentary on YouTube

    there was zero mention of Bitcoin in the whole documentary. I confronted him about it and he said somewhere at 42 minutes they showed a shot of an ATM and he claimed that's a Bitcoin ATM. honestly people are fucking idiots

    but that aside, the most interesting part is that this documentary... the filming style and what they focused on... it wasn't a "ohno bad drug epidemic" it was a "ask every drug addict why doing drugs is great and also take high definition shots of them when they take the drug and experience euphoria". it was a fucking sales pitch to get more people on the streets taking these drugs. I was actually pretty livid nobody was seeing this

    and the doc message was "hey we need to buy more drugs from evil pharma to prevent overdoses" lol
  • 1
    @djsumdog so I went and downloaded the Indian art of war. it's actually called art of life and not war which is perhaps hinting LMAO

    but what's more popular than the old work written whatever thousands of years ago is a modern version of the work about economics / business

    I mean all strategies look like corruption up until you learn the rules of the game and can play. then it kind of makes sense

    I've been too lazy / busy to open these yet

    but from this it makes me think indians are applying, whether knowingly or unknowingly, art of war strategies in business and economics and that might explain why there's been an explosion of Indians in western countries. like all the USA tech companies are run by Indian CEOs now. to my eyes I don't understand why they're competent enough to hold that position, and from my experiences I can similarly acknowledge indians do seem to be better at office politics than white people so I do have to acknowledge competence there even if I don't like it
  • 0
    @Grumm I actually ran into the character limit

    I talk / type to process my thoughts. always been a thing for me. cuz otherwise they're jumbled and I don't see the patterns and how to categorize ideas very well until I write them out all in one place

    and then yeah I realized how much I wrote and went to go do something else

    but epiphanies are exciting I guess
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