Anybody have any ideas on how a 14 year old like me can make some money? My parents won't let me get a job outside the house which is sort of reasonable.

  • 1
    I help my parents and get much money. Idk if your parents will give you money but a try is worth.
  • 4
    Sell your programming services online?
  • 1
    I wish I could help, but do to me aspiring for money as much as you, I got a job at mcdonalds
  • 2
    @Golank Pro programmer with experience vs 14 year old kid. Not the fairest contest.
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    $100 bill vs $2500 bill.

    If you do decent job, I don't see why you couldn't sell programming services.
  • 2
    You could focus on learning one/two programming languages and come up with a "difficult" long-term project to guide your learning process, either web dev, some cli/gui program, or some mobile app.
    You're young and have plenty of free time, so you'll learn very quickly.
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