
fuck apple. the overprised piece of shit that is still fucking stuck at 8gb of ram, my 6 year old andriod has 8gb. apple doesnt even fucking let you fix anything. at least with the newest ios they let you change batteries. how the fuck are you supposed to use a macbook with 8gb of ram without destroying the ssd by using swap. their piece of shit unibody anti repair garbage that you cant even change the keyboard in. the m2 chip runs at 120 degrees celcius because if a piece of shit cooling. like you would need a fan spinning at 120 degrees per nanosecond to fucking cool that thing. sometimes it cant even play a youtube video smoothly.

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    that's UNIX in a nutshell
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    I looked up my cpu and it can handle until 100 degrees. I am scared compiling glibc because of that. That laptop and twin brother both were death for very long time after overheating. How can glibc compiling being be that heavy anyway. I always considered C std quite limited
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    I know not everyone will agree, but laptops in general are underpowered. At least they are if you want to get any battery life out of them. Best way to handle limitations like this is just to ssh into a more powerful non-laptop machine for development.

    Then again, I've personally seen laptops and those crappy "all-in-one" Dell or HP PCs used as public-facing servers....yeah.
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    Sad to hear that about the M2. Is it the Air or the Pro?
    Just setup an external SSD and move the swap to that.
    Oh and another one for TimeMachine.
    With this setup a regular desktop would have been cheaper
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    Another reason to stay away from anything Apple produces.
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    idk why people buy apple in the first place. doesnt make sense
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    Don't get me started on the totally unstable keyboard.
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    @nosoup4u "work" laptops are underpowered. I know I probably could have gotten more performance for the money with a desktop. However, my Sager laptop for home really can run stuff really well. It is also very easy to work on internally. It runs things like Cyberpunk just fine. It is starting to struggle with heavily modded Skyrim though. The community shaders run like shit on my laptop.

    Edit: oh, and we had a dude that was on travel with a Mac a few years ago. He was trying to play a video game at the hotel. It burned up his GPU lol! Yeah, work laptops...
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    It's not that glibc itself is heavy.

    All compilation is a heavy task, and has no limiting factors such as screen refresh rate, so naturally, the compiler will use all available resources to compile faster, thus using all available CPU and driving the temps up.

    You can however easily set up ulimits so that GCC doesn't push 100% usage.
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    @joewilliams007 , @Ouya , my wife once asked me if she should buy the MacBook Air. I told her how freaking expensive it was, especially given its relatively low specs.
    I've shown her other models, just as compact and much, much cheaper.
    She ended up buying the freaking fruit brand anyway.
    She explained her decision to me: "It is like wearing heels. No bloody practical use, uncomfortable, and objectively a nuisance. It is still what is expected of me in certain situations."
    Fucking societal expectations, man.
  • 4

    Well. Certainly nothing beats visiting their bullshit hyperdonut, have them struggle for 20 minutes trying to connect to the projector, only to have to ask me to do it, which I did in half a minute, of course, with a MSI laptop and a Samsung phone.

    I think I still get nourishment from their tears, and it was 5 years ago...
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    @JsonBoa idk. she really need to change her life views and do what she wants not what others do. Life is so much happier that way. Just not caring and living by yourself. This is sth everybody needs to achieve for themselves, doesnt matter if man or woman
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    And also most people don't have the money to even afford the fruit maschines!
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    @gitstashio @nosoup4u i use a decent windows laptop when i am home(its faster than my desktop) but when i am at school, the school requires me to use a macbook.
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    @nosoup4u ive used a old netbook as a nas server, it wasnt great but it worked.
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    @joewilliams007 my school forces me to, but when i am home, i never use my macbook.
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    @Ouya your school forces you to use Mac? Wow..
    I only hears of schools that forced Mac users to use Windows
    Do they provide any support in case something doesnt work on your ARM-based Mac?
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    @gitstashio yes, but is costs a leg.
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