
Just spent 2 hours updating both macs to sequoia, iphone and ipad to latest ios just to find out mirroring doesn't work in the EU

FUCK THE EU and their motherfucking stupid ass useless laws

FUCK APPLE and their money-grabbing policies


I am sooooo fucking tired of all this bullshit

  • 1
    During my time at Apple we listened to people through their phone lmao
  • 0
    I will fucking throw all this shit away I fucking swear.

    To fuck with all of it
  • 0
    @molaram have you tried doing pacman -Sy
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    @mostr4am right now I just want to waterboard whoever came up with all this crap
  • 2
    User error. You're holding it wrong.
  • 4
    I escaped back to Android recently after 3 years and everyone around me remarked about the instant improvement in my mood.

    Apple is awful, through and through.
  • 1
    so much "fuck". just use an open os lol and not apple.
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 I tried them all mate... every possible mobile and desktop OS you can think of. The apple garbage got closest to "a fucking thing that just works" but there are episodes such as this one when I just wish I could stick everyone working at apple into a human centipede and watch them eat their own shit and drown in it.

    At least open source stuff just sucks because it's shit but this apple stuff is MADE to fuck with you, it's like that by design. Over some bullshit commercial policies and stupid ass laws some morons put together to justify their pathetic excuse of existence. Fucking leeches

    I am so sick of this shit. I am a few months away from getting out of this world for good. Computers, OSes, code, clients, bugs, emails, everything. FUCK.ALL.OF.IT. I'm getting a fucking landline and a carburetted V8 and everything else can burn afaic.
  • 0
    @mostr4am now that shit is scary but all the other companies do the same for sure... so it's really about choosing which company spies on you and which government spies on you... I guess
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