Anyway we should hang that netanyahu cunt like they did with saddam. Newremberg is coming

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    The announcement comes after police said they and Israel’s Shin Bet security agency had thwarted a similar attack using the same type of explosive on Tuesday. The Shin Bet said in a statement that it had found an explosive device fitted with a camera and a mechanism that would allow it to be activated by Hezbollah from Lebanon. It said the attack was to be carried out in the coming days.

    Sure they found a conspiracy to kill a guy in israel so they activated the bombs they had planted 7 months ago, just in case.
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    was talking about saddam
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    I don’t know how this trend of supporting fundamentalist Islamic groups started but we should collectively stop.
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    @Tounai im not supporting anything, retard. Anything beside not throw random bombs into civilians area. You are the terrorist you cunt
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    @mostr4am the thing with the pagers was well played, quite successfully targeting Hezbollah which is not a humanitary association but a terrorist group which has been destroying Lebanon for years.
  • 1
    @Tounai fuck off bitch. The population uses them as well. You are even too dumb to comprehend the circularity of your own cognition. Terrorists get killed because they are terrorists. How do you know they are terrorist? Well they got killed, didn't they? Even if they are 9 years old.

    You really believe you can spread explosive devices in a population, make them explode in the wild, and not make innocent victims?

    This is war crime, and you know it. You just blatantly chose to ignore what is inconvenient for your jingoism.

    You spent so much time in front of a computer that your mind start thinking in binary. I am against methods like execution of prisoner or boobytraps exploding in the middle of civilians, so I must be with the bad guys.

    You are the terrorist, idiot.
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    @Tounai "successfully", they succeeded in killing higher rank Hezbollah's... children.

    Congratulation, you scum. Does it sometime occur to you that you might not have the moral high ground? No self-reflection whatsoever.
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    @mostr4am it’s a war bro, of course there will be casualties. I prefer that over Iran-like countries everywhere.
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    @Tounai yeah well, you aren't really human are you? Just a little heartless scum with no empathy whatsoever. You aren't better than iran. Right wingers are the same everywhere. You can recognize them by the fact they like to throw bombs among civilians.

    I would cheer to see you pay one day.
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    @Tounai the very same barbarity you see in the big bad stranger you fear so much, you are guilty of it. Thame as old as time. You became what you despise. A morale-less subhuman with a machine soul. You cannot comprehend life behind what is immediately behind you. So you hate it.
  • -1
    @mostr4am you are reacting emotionally to complex geopolitical situations. Thing is, yes it’s not nice to spread explosive in a population, yes casualties are not cool but it’s the lesser evil of Jihad and Islamic fundamentalism spreading.
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    @mostr4am do you support monarchy?
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    @Tounai look, as a green khmer, I am 100% on the side of the great replacement.

    It make idiots whine. As an islamoleftist, I want to implement the glorious djihadist monarchy just to get rid of cunts like you. Blessed be Mohamed Staline and Mao Ahmad Zedoung.

    But hey, maybe when your daughter will explode on a random bomb you'll learn not to be a warcrime apologist.

    A cunt like you threw grenades in the crowd of high schooler in my city once. You are the terrorist.
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    @Tounai you probably think the americans were the good guys in vietnam dont you cunt
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    @mostr4am Do you know how many lives it took to remove monarchy in France?
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    @mostr4am you’re too emotional about those situations. Not everything is black or white and sometimes you have to choose what’s the lesser evil.
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    @Tounai so in your scenarios the lebanese are your vendeens? Conservative pocket from which civilians must die to implement the glorious parisian bourgeois democracy, and fuck those peasant?

    Do you also justify holodomor and stuff?
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    @Tounai the lesser evil isnt to pre-emptively strike another fucking country by explosing devices in the middle of civilians, retard. That is the greater evil, for everybody that's not sucking a nationalist dick every second we are unlucky enough for him to have lived.

    Apres ils vont chouiner quand ils se prennent des bataclans, les petites putes.
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    @Tounai do you also justify carbomb attack? Where do you draw the line? You know, sometime you just kill a bunch of people and boom, it solves things right?
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    @mostr4am there’s no lines there’s just sides and I chose the side of those who don’t take their own people as hostages and don’t try to implement an extreme version of a religion by force.
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    @mostr4am I don’t know if you are french, but just to be clear : what you wrote is an apology of terrorism in France.
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    @Tounai I know <3 In france you can go to jail for saying they shouldn't throw people in prison for weed.

    The french state is inherently oppressive. Hopefully I do not live there and I will not be silent anyway. I would go to jail.

    You cannot justify a terrorist attack in lebannon without justifying a terrorist attack in france. You're just an hypocrite.
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    @Tounai they do not take their own people as human shields.

    They use african migrants for that.

    As I said, I consider it pointless to talk with you. You can only think in binary, you're talking about side while justifying barbary, and yet you accuse ME of simplification?

    The state can come to me. I will stand my ground. This is war crime and this should be punished.

    I do not know if you are french yourself, now lemme also tell you I knew some greek poeple telling me they dont like to go to france because people think they're arabs. French people are idiots who passively believe what the TV tells them to swallow. When I go back from there, people ask me what the fuck I've been doing in naziland. They are a militaristic, self-centered, aggressive society who practiced slavery and large scale torture for most of its history.

    Some of my best friend are french. I love them as long as I act french. As soon as they are confronted with something foreign they become scumbags.
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    @Tounai france is no stranger to torturing and terrorizing arabs, are they?
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    @mostr4am If you don’t accept the French values or if you don’t like it, I can only advise you to leave. But while you say all your empty words about oppression etc, millions of Arabic people live in France and it looks like they are treated well enough to stay.
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    @Tounai i am not french, gros con. Va sucer la bite a marine
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    @mostr4am but France, as every country in the world is not all white. But we, inhabitants of France live in a free society, and I think it’s appreciable, and when the choice comes between Sharia twats and free society, I choose the free society.
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    @Tounai eat my balls idiot france have riots every 4 years. I know you have the hard on at their deportation so you can save the right race.
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    @mostr4am if you were speaking about Algerians, this was a huge mistake. Algeria was a huge waste of money.
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    @mostr4am if you don’t like it leave it.
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    @Tounai t'es un cretin de base en vrai. Pendant la guerre t'aurais ete une pute de collabo, tu serais reste bien gentiment a taper tes petits papiers sur ton clavier comme une petite merde.
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    @mostr4am 👆translation : “you are a Nazi”
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    @Tounai wow t'as vraiment de la merde dans les yeux. Je suis pas francais.
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    @Tounai exactement. Te's un nazi. Une petite salope de la droite genocidaire.
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    @Tounai tu parle pas francais en fait? Qu'est ce que t'y connais a la france, pauvre con? Le facho il m'a google trad tout le long de la convo, en fait?

    Vazy t'es un fils de chien toi
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    @mostr4am if France is so oppressive, leave somewhere you think you will not be oppressed. I wish you the best 🙏
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    @mostr4am Ich bin Deutsche
  • 0
    @Tounai omg you really are a retard.





    French is not my nationality, nor at any point in time had it been my residence. I wasn't born there neither do I currently am in the territory of the french republic.

    Now this is reminding me of being thanksful for that. Ils sont gentils, mais qu'est-ce qu'ils sont cons.
  • 0
    @mostr4am it’s gonna be okay my friend, you support Islamist groups that want to implement Sharia while you enjoy your freedom in France that you call oppressive. You have the right to do this in France and in Europe in general, just don’t fall into terrorism apology.
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    @Tounai aaaah another germ

    well go suck a sick shleushleu

    you discover my weakness. I dont like to be called french. It's very rude :(
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    @Tounai srsly tho did you read the thing i said about france? about me not being there? whatever brickhead im going for a bath
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    @mostr4am you mentioned that you were going there. Don’t if you don’t like it then.
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    @Tounai you are the terrorism apologist, idiot. You kill random people in lebannon. You support the winning side of an asymetrical conflict that makes 40x more causality on one side than another. Do you not know history? You cannot win against a ghetto unless you kill them all.

    Again, israel is the aggessor in all of this. You guys should have give them munchen if you liked them so much instead of shipping the ones you didn't kill to a british colony.
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    @Tounai i would if french people would nt come here constantly. Anyway there's a thing called freedom to travel, heard of it, cunt?
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    @mostr4am they are not random, it’s targeted. They tricked the Hezbollah supporters.
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    @Tounai but generally speaking you're right, I try not to spend money there lmao fuck them
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    @mostr4am which means that you live in a free country isn’t it?
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    @Tounai not really
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    @Tounai look Im gonna leave it now but let me tell you one last thing.
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    @mostr4am gosh I don’t even want to know what non free country you are from.
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    @Tounai Dresden was necessary evil hihi
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    Ahhh yes nothing says vintage internet like full blown antisemitism. Takes me back.
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    @bosslogic yeah remember the godwin point from pre-genocide times?
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    @Tounai you dont get to anyway.

    Look, retard, you picked the example of france out of your butthole and got schooled. You obviously know nothing about its history beside what a basic bitch would manage to utter. Which lead me to believe you don't know anything about a lot of things

    So why can't you admit this shit is fucked up and will make things worse for all the party involved, obviously. This is no different than carbombing. Its just fucking common sense. Nobody will think you support al quaeda because you condemn obvious barbary.
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    @Tounai anyway good night. I hope your sister hands explodes by a bobby-trapped necessary evil.

    You're a scum
  • 0
    @Tounai Morning you dirty germ.

    Now you bitches are exploding memorial services.

    Jesus christ germans really are genocide apologists subhumans aren't they?

    Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency (NNA) said one man was killed when a walkie-talkie exploded inside a shop selling cellular devices in Chaat, in the northern Bekaa Valley.

    Terrorist. Kill yourself you fucking cunt. If you had any balls you would spread oil on yourself and set yourself afire.
  • 0
    @mostr4am you are reacting emotionally. Go see a therapist man.
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    @Tounai I react emotionally because unlike you, I am able to feel human emotion. You are a terrorist. Kill yourself.
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