
There is no debate.

Other military manuals are more general in their description and stress that booby-traps associated with objects in normal civilian daily use are prohibited, and that booby-traps must not be used in association with protected persons, protected objects (such as medical supplies, gravesites and cultural or religious property) or internationally recognized protective emblems or signs (such as the red cross and red crescent).[3] Several manuals further specify that booby-traps must not be used in connection with certain objects likely to attract civilians, such as children’s toys.[4]


The west is supporting war crimes. That's the thing with brainwashed jingoists. They detonate bombs among civilians and they have the guts to call it "highly targeted". Straight up lies.

  • 2
    If there is no debate, why are you posting it on devrant for debate?
  • 0
    @Lensflare to shut up the genocide apologists
  • 2
    @mostr4am I’m sure that will work.
  • 0
    @Lensflare well so far they did not say anything
  • 2
    @mostr4am they also did not say anything before you wrote this rant.
  • 2
    Get this politics stuff outta heeee
  • 0
    @Lensflare you're kidding? this bitch called me an antisemite and an islamist
  • 0
    @12bitfloat you're not an ostrich, idiot. Hiding your head in the sand wont change the fact you are complicit.
  • 0
    technically destruction of property, infrastructure is a very good strategic move

    so I don't know why targeting of children and women isn't the primary goal of an invading army. it's the same as targeting electricity stations, destroying roads so your enemy cannot resupply

    but don't kill the invalids or the old. that will also cripple the enemy because they'll have to either expense their thin resources to take care of them or suffer the moral damage of their people for not supporting them. similarly the more you can maim people but leave them alive the better for you

    war isn't only about territory, it's also about logistical wealth and the economy, about the morale / culture
  • 0
    they will say they're not doing immoral or illegal things but they are

    it's not that they have morals. it's that they will ignore you because they just care about the morale / culture damage and that ain't happening yet. damage is when army recruitment cannot be mustered or there is dissidents and the people come after the government (lol ain't gonna happen in modern era, you'll be flattened by tanks and prior to that FBI entrapped and put into prison labour camps)

    the fact they write in their papers that they're the most moral people and have moral rules is not there to be followed by them, it's there to convince the people that they're culturally righteous and to sigh in relief that it's there therefore we're surely not doing it and would never do it and you can trust your resident authority!

    the rules are public relations, they're not actually rules. they're a psy op. there's no reason to follow scribbles on a paper, so they don't

    they'll tell you they punish you for them tho
  • 0
    I'm also understanding now why if you have the bigger army you need to be moral

    the west is no longer the bigger army

    when you're the smaller army you will have support even if you do immoral things because people behind your lines don't want to die to the bigger army

    when you're the bigger army the death kneel would be the morale / culture. it's hard to maintain which is why you need universal values like morals to keep everyone together, and nobody gives a shit about the damned enemy they're some barbarians throwing sticks and chances are they just want you to leave them alone anyway
  • 0
    @mostr4am There's a time and place. Devrant is neither
  • 1
    @12bitfloat What place, idiot? Anti-genocide opinions are censured all around.
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