Had to go to HR today. They heard I was making disabled icons with Gimp. I told them that if I can't use Gimp it will handicap my efficiency and retard my progress.

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    I wonder after the release of 'Pulp Fiction' the makers were like "Oh crap, now everyone will know what a Gimp really is"

    I had no idea. Now anytime I open Gimp, my mind goes to that scene.
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    @PaperTrail I learned the gimp word in late 80s to early 90s. I didn't realize they used that word in Pulp Fiction. lol. Pretty sure someone told me, I saw on tv, or read in a book. I think I learned the n word on tv or in Tom Sawyer.

    Edit: we stayed at a hotel in CA on a business trip. They gave my colleague the handicapped room. We referred to his room as the "gimpy room".
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    @Demolishun > "I learned the gimp word in late 80s to early 90s."

    A previous dev mgr here is a diehard Tarantino fan and talked about all the weird sex stuff Tarantino put into his films. Never noticed the feet thing before either until he pointed it out. Too weird for me.
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    @PaperTrail now that I know they were inserting weird symbolism I now see it. So it sucks trying to watch old shit.

    Edit: for example. I am watching Red Dwarf. There is definitely a lot of propaganda in there to push certain belief systems. The weird one is that there is no life in the universe besides on Earth. I don't know how anyone could believe an idea like that.
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    @Demolishun open source is communism.
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    HR heard your joke was so funny they asked to hear it person
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    @mostr4am I am pretty much okay with voluntary communism. I think good open source projects foster cooperation, yet give license for complete autonomy. The MIT license is great for this. People contribute back with code and extensions.
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    @mostr4am Open source isn’t communism because no one is forcing you to work for others’ benefit, nor is anyone taking the fruits of your labor away from you. It’s just free sharing. If someone takes your work and claims it as their own (monetizing it or not) that’s simple theft, but that theft isn’t mandated like under communist rule.
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    Open source is like idyllic communism, but we all know it doesn't work like that.

    I remember I tried to push an initiative (which was of course shut down) in my last company to actually donate 1% of revenue to open source projects that helped us bring the projects to fruition.
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    @Root hey that's what my boss does!! I'm anticommunist now /s
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    left vs right is just cooperativism vs competition. Some chicago idiots misread darwin and figured that we must all compete against each other instead of creating something together.
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    @CoreFusionX well open source does work doesn't it?

    Now we just need to do other things the same way and boom, idyllic communism.
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    @mostr4am No. You will not go to gulag for not working.

    If you work for yourself instead, the results of that effort are not forcibly taken from you.
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    @mostr4am So, without the authoritarianism, where all effort and trade is only undertaken by willing parties and for their individual or mutual benefit? In other words, the free market?
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    @Root there is no free market under capitalism. Capitalism is cryonism. Look around. "Free market" capitalism is just protecting monopolies. It's not free if some idiot can just make his money work for him by exploiting workers.

    Your idealized vision of capitalism is as idyllic as the dictature of the people.
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    @mostr4am No.

    Corruption and greed converts capitalism into corporatism/croneyism. Look for laws passed that benefit and protect corporations at the cost of the citizens, plus lobbying, legal favors and kickbacks for passing these or engaging in corruption (quid pro quo), etc. These are the causes of croneyism.

    Mutually beneficial trade (including mutually beneficial employment) and free markets is capitalism. We had a capitalist society in the US seventy or more years ago. We no longer do.
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    @Root hey look at that

    Corruption and greed converts cummunism into bolchevism. Look for laws passed that benefit and protect the state at the cost of the citizens, plus lobbying, legal favors and kickbacks for passing these or engaging in corruption (quid pro quo), etc. These are also the causes of bolchevism.
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    @Root you're right in a sense. It's not communsim. It's anarchy. People coming together to create something outside of capitalist and state structures.
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    @Root Monopolies are the logical conclusion of a system where capital can breed itself. It's mathematical. The idea that all market will be balanced by some invisible hand is as idiotic as (and I took my time to find something as ridiculous) posadism (look it up)
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