
Me: Fuck I love my chromebook!

The world: Why would you love Chromebooks, you cant even do anything with ChromeOS?!

Me: *Sit's down and listens to music and podcasts for 3 hours* Oh look, still got 82% battery...

  • 1
    Which one you have?
  • 4
    Enable dev mode and start the chons she'll than you can use chroots for dev things
  • 6
    OK, but doing nothing but listening to music for 3 hours makes it an mp3 player, does it do anything else.

    Like 80% of what I do is FE dev with node and JS, would this be a worth investment/alternative to my MSI with Ubuntu on it?
  • 1
    @ewpratten how did you do it? I mean what command did you execute resp. what package exactly did you install so that npm is working?

    crew install npm/node/nodejs..?
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    @epsylon76 I have the Samsung Chromebook plusz didn't like the black on the Chromebook pro
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    @ewpratten thanks a lot :) this is amazing because you don't have to install an entire OS via crouton just for compiling and setting up your projects.
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    @ewpratten what editor do you use on your chromebook? are you using VSC/Atom/etc via crouton/xiwi or e.g. caret?
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    Can you install visual studio or PHPStorm on a Chromebook?

    How about photoshop, lightroom or sketch?

    How about sequel pro?

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    @Nanos The most on-topic comment so far. ?!
  • 1
    I mean listening to music for 3hours... my phone can do the same
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    Meh...my laptop lasts 11 hours of coding in PHPStorm and like 15+ when using normal editor...
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    @ewpratten wait really?
    Was looking to port vs code to chrome is but it used node, well this changes things!
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    @SSDD nope but not every computer has to be a Dev battle station, I use it for web development, writing my book, website management and literally anything I do web wise
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    @sSam yeah while I had full brightness, didn't even lose 20% and was jumping between Twitter, devRant and Google docs
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    @lxmcf ok, it's fucking impressive
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    @sSam granted it is probably put down to the OS being so light weight, guarantee if it had windows or Mac on it the battery would last 5 minutes doing the same
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