Week : 59 ( Year 1 )

How is your weekend going?

How many of you actually ever owned a Pager device before or now?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/11260770

  • 4
    Had a long session of the bloodborne board game with 2 friends. Great fun.
  • 2
    I think in exception of hospitals it never was a thing in NL afaik.

    I found a stupid talkshow that I keep watching. So bad that's it good
  • 4
    Today I dreamt that my boss required me to own a pager 🤔
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    In the 90s I had a pager. I also worked with Iranians and Arabs. None of them randomly exploded. So weird.
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    @cafecortado yeah... we are going to need you to strap an ied to your crotch. That would be great...
  • 2
    LOL pagers mentioned

    I learned yesterday that insurance companies were used as Intel to sabotage your enemies. to get insured you have to disclose your risks, which is another fancy term for "weaknesses". so then a re-insurance company came into being, which is a company that provides insurance for insurance companies. bam suddenly all your weaknesses in your whole country are legally being reported to this insurance company that USA owns and nobody knows about because they're not dealing with it directly, and then USA went and used all the blueprints and itemized list of weaknesses to sabotage foreign countries' as they see fit, puppeteering and instigating "change". the re-insurance company naturally starts losing money, so then the USA government subsidized it with tax dollars saying it's "too important to fail", and people noticed and bitched but little did they know said company was being used for fucking foreign sabotage

    anyway. wonder why insurance is mandatory everywhere
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