Father: What is this? *hands me a box*
Me: ๐Ÿ˜ฏ *opens box*

The contents of the box: a white cube about an inch on each side, with a speaker on one side, a button on the other and three small holes.

Comes with a manual (square inch piece of plastic with a drawing) that shows you what the button does (turn it on, duh) and some indications as to what the various holes do.

Me: ๐Ÿ˜ถ I have no clue... Maybe it's for taking calls? (though speaker mode does exist peeps)
Father: ๐Ÿ˜‘What do you mean you don't know... Don't you know about stuff like this?

I love when my family assumes I am all knowing when it comes to anything running on electricity... Guys, just because I program I am not a psychic and am not better suited to fix your printer or fix your phone screens.

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