
Damn, French grills are top tier, I guess as a bottom tier I should try and do as many approaches as possible until I land something

  • 1
    That's the default way in any country I guess. I always bet on one horse. Yes, I'm single as F 😁
  • 6
    French like their food or something

    I judge how much I like an ethnicity by their food

    actually the French are assholes to me so I guess I'm pretty neutral. at least they put way too much butter in everything tho
  • 5
    I read that as "girls" the first time. Much more interesting post that way.
  • 2
    @atheist oh damn! Grills? Omg. I see now. He made a post about pussehh before so I thought... Argh fuck
  • 1
    Can't recall the French doing any grilling, so I assume it's about girls. The locals won't be easy cuz they have standards. Aim for a mature American tourist, if you really want to just get laid. Be prepared to hear their traumatic substories tho.
  • 1
    @retoor I just read your comment again and it makes much more sense with the misreading 😂
  • 1
    @UberSalt we need to know... Did you make a typo or are we all just dirty minded?
  • 2
    @jestdotty the only asshole I met in France was an Australian (he thought I was French staff). He apologized when I said I wasn't staff. lol. The only rude French person was a dude at closing in a grocery store. He was yelling at me in French (cause he thought I was French). I told him in French as best I could I don't speak French, do you speak English? He talks into his walky talky and holds it up to me: "The store is closing, please leave." lol

    We were driving around Le Man after the races and ended up high beaming a bunch of Jandarms (spelling? French cops). They were not rude even then.

    Why did they think I was French? I had grown my hair out extra long and pulled it back in pony tail. People kept thinking was French staff or something. Everyone there was expecting me to understand French. I was just there to work. I cut my hair when I got back to the states. Too much work to take care of.
  • 3
    @atheist I thought he was talking about their teeth. I mean if he is coming from the UK I can totally see appreciation of non fucked up teeth.
  • 1
    Okay, so are you talking about grills for food, grills as teeth, or girls? I am very confused now.
  • 0
    @NoMad If you weren't a female I would've guessed that was the strategy that you applied.
  • 0
    @atheist No it's just an immature way to say girls, so I guess we're all immature and dirty minded out here in Devrant :P
  • 1
    @Demolishun First of all, that was funny asf, and I am talking about girls

    The ladyfolk to be precise :P
  • 2
    everything has to be translated into French here. like if you have a business and it's English named now you have to rebrand the name in French here otherwise illegal

    if you have a sign and it has English the English has to come last and small. this is actually fine and not a problem. upside, i can't read the warning signs anywhere nor the ads. when I moved here (when i was a kid, wasn't my choice which is how I'm in this situation) being dumb to the ads was automatic adblock and quite freeing actually

    we have language police and they inspect you and will fine you if you break the language laws
  • 2
    businesses are supposed to speak French internally. so I'm pretty screwed. tech is largely English, so they're going to speak English internally (which is technically illegal), which is how I lucked out. most tech customers are going to be English, so English is an asset. the locals somehow think knowing French gets them great money. it does not. there's literally pro French supremacy propaganda and they fritz out like the triggered leftist if you disagree with them

    I did contracting once and Quebec refuses to allow you to do business paperwork in anything but French. this is a bilingual country, you can get French versions of anything everywhere it's the law, even though French could be like 50 people in a town of 100k. the English don't care and accommodate. the French want you to suffer
  • 2
    Quebec separatist party doesn't even offer an English version of their website. parties from all over Canada offer french versions. they don't even want your vote if you're English. their best selling point is "maybe we won't kill you" (mostly because they're pressured by others not to do that so it would be bad PR). fucking assholes
  • 0
    @jestdotty So basically you can find a good job with just English, which is kinda illegal, but at the same time if you don't know French you're looked down upon and can't read any signs or do proper business, sounds like a whole lotta fun.
  • 1
    @UberSalt the strategy applied itself to me, didn't even ask for it 😂😂
  • 0
    @NoMad Lmfaoo so ur describing urself as a mature American tourist with no standards, love the self awarness (:
  • 2
    @UberSalt oh no no no! She was the one who was hitting on my friend and I! And I was her backup option cuz my friend was unwilling to participate 😂😂
  • -1
    @jestdotty every time I think Canada can't get any worse. Someone posts about how Canada got worse. Not surprising at this point. Just depressing. But when the country is run by Castro's son, it kinda makes sense.
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