That awkward moment... (tap to see)

  • 9
    I use ClamAV and rkhunter :).

    Linux isn't immune to viruses and using an anti virus engine/softare thingy on it makes perfect sense!
  • 4
    @Floydian Not sure if sarcasm but yeah of course haha
  • 0
    A virus is a software itself which need an operating system to run. Because of permissions matters Linux viruses are not like windows ones. They can not access system files and modify the system even by propose or unwantedly.
    Most of time they need a root access to do something which could be harmful to the system or user.
    Believe me or not I did not use any (so called) anti-virus on Linux in about 15 years of using Linux.
  • 0
    A virus could be a bad design software which do something that is not expected, such as reducing system performance, misusing memory, consuming system or network resources un efficiently, etc.

  • 1
    Good to know these names. Thanks!
  • 3
    @linuxxx I just saw this rant, was gonna comment "ClamAV and rkhunter" and then saw you beat me to it 😂
  • 2
    @Gophyr 😊 :D
  • 3
    See? People don't only rant around here. U can actually learn somrthing now and then 😀
  • 1
    Problem is that you might be invulnerable to viruses, but you can still redistribute them.

    You downloaded some software, which works fine in Wine but when you pass it to your friend running actual windows it might cause the virus to manifest itself.

    Also when you downloaded some questionable contents and forget to delete it, it might affect when you boot up on windows instead.
  • 2
    I just simply say : I'm the antivirus.
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