
Took a week off just to stop working because I’m burnt off, can’t help opening slack, it’s like muscle memory.

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    Yh, understand that, slack was #1 used app on my phone. Employers should reach out free phones. Actually no, having two phones suck, I was in that situation. It was long ago that calling was still expensive so employers did actually reach out phones
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    you need some help lmao

    if I had habits stuck from a job I would literally wanna take a bath until I could scrub it out of my brain. you get work from me but you don't get to train me like a Pavlov dog
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    @jestdotty well, work is just a big part of our identity. You're a programmer even while you're not coding. You'll keep analyzing things in a certain way. You can't stop. We're all trained doggos
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    @retoor I was a programmer before I had to get a job tho

    my existence should be paid cuz I'm not a worthless human being. to tell me to be not myself is an insult to my human worth

    this sounds communism but it isn't. I've always loved helping people out. I expect it to be appreciated, instead of being lied that making some dude 3 millions a year means I'm asking too much if I wanna be paid to my title's typical wage... which by that point I had for 3 years

    by this point I might just scam people like everybody else does though because I'm so disappointed in humanity accepting this grifting bullshit
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    @jestdotty Yes, yesss! Give yourself to the Dark Side!
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    @jestdotty but a hard fact is, someone else would've made that dude 3 millions a year too for prolly the same salary. That's how it works. We have to look mad at people who deliver services for cheap. But we all have to eat
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    @jestdotty what kind of software was it anyway?
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    @jestdotty never worked for a marketing company. I won't, bevause the marketing departments are worse than hr. I went drinking with guys of marketing department and after two beers they said nasty stuff about their sisters. So, it only takes two beers to flatline the brains of such people
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