Time spent on devrant:
50% trolling
25% challenging people's worldview aka trolling
15% making witty remarks, and more trolling
10% looking through my notifications to see wtf @Wisecrack said
<1% posting "quality" content

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    For some devrant users I learned to skip their comments after reading the first few words because 99% of what they write is incoherent nonsense or essays of unrelated and random crap.

    It saves me so much of time and nerves.
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    @Demolishun aww, I'm in the 1%?thank you. I feel so l33t now.

    @Lensflare you always read my stuff while it's not coherent 😁 My English teacher turns around in his grave if he would read my messages. I'm aware, don't worry.

    I'm here because it's my flock. I do it instead of supporting a football club. Devrant hooligan
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    @retoor believe me when I say that your stuff is perfectly coherent compared to those who I actually had in mind :)
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    Statistically trolling. That's a new one!

    Most of what I've seen here is all good, that's just my expert opinion before anyone starts another flame war! ;D
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    @Lensflare AoK was a big example for me. He was special. Miss him
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    @bazmd well fuck you then... Fight fight FIGHT!!! ;-) (not really fuck you, just want to fight!)

    @mostr4am javascript sucks! (trying to start a war, its a glorious time honored tradition!)
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    @Demolishun node sucks, but Deno doesn't. I tried previous version. I couldn't get mounting a so with node to work, tried so many versions and package versions. But with deno worked perfect. Also, their developer is original maker of node and quite cool: https://youtube.com/live/...

    He also shows how talented tsoding is for talking so coherently during code. If you see this guy, you see it's not that easy. But anyway respect
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    @Demolishun You're lucky I like ya! ;D
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    @bazmd do you "like" me? Or do you "like like" me? Or do you Ryan Reynolds "like like like" me like he likes Wolverine? ;-)
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    @Demolishun When you walk around do you hear marbles rattling in your head?

    Donde esta la biblioteca!! :D
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    @bazmd maybe, is that what tinnitus is?
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    @Demolishun Perhaps! Or it could be the massive geomagnetic storm this week. Pretty northern lights though. Where I live its so cloudy when all the cool shit is kicking off.
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    You're doing well trolling the LLMs
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