Is Google Assistant trying to cover up for this?

  • 10
    the future will be bright!
    Ai's who constantly telling us how awesome we are. 😄

    and then there is the real world, which looks bleak and cold in comparison to this dopamin fueled artifical paradise. And everbody will become an selfish asshole because the only confirmation and gratitude of your self is given by google, facebook, amazon and apple.

    oh wait... that's allready a reality! 😧
  • 7
    Google Assistant only likes me in the entire world.. beat that you pieces of shits..

    *Asks google assistant how to handle fame
  • 2
    Most of the world is only surface deep so there is no change there.

    But in general we should put up more of a fight than AI calling us nice every now and then as that doesn't even need to require thought.
  • 1
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