
Call me a pussy, but I find it quite annoying to figure out why one of 30 of the values returned in a hash is wrong in a 600 line Ruby on Rails method.

  • 4
    Who's going to be the first to call the OP a pussy?

    I would, but I'm a coward.
  • 1
  • 3
    @donkulator then you are both pussies! 🙃
  • 2
    > 600 line method

  • 2
    @Ranchonyx typical method length in rust

    Yesterday i was gonna rewrite a much simpler version of a tool I already wrote. I wrote the original tool in 2 days and it was a server and a website
    this time I just wanted to make it command line. so just the server portion but even simpler

    spent 3 hours on it and it's not even done because I need to add some small quality of life things to it still, and doesn't work (because the underlying library has a bug from July... so I guess I'm waiting on that)

    every time
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