
how does one manage to make a language with syntax that is uglier than both C++ and Rust combined

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    It's hard to still make a new language without weird syntax additions is hard. Take C for example, no word of a line of c is arbitrair. Maybe the return keyword. It doesn't have fun, func, or whatever. It's so efficient, try to beat that
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    Maybe they zigged when they should have zagged...
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    @retoor I prefer C like syntax is most languages. I really kinda like C# even though I don't program it much.
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    @Demolishun magic times for C# on linux tho. Four times faster than on windows I've read somewhere. Development of it on linux wasn't a out of the box experience for me. SDK not found error while actually having it twice. Linked dotnet straight to SDK I wanted to get it working. Dammit
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    Egyptian hieroglyphics wehn

    I kinda joke because I do believe there's an emoji programming language

    but I meant a usable one

    the thing with keyboards is they don't have emojis on them
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    @retoor lisp syntax is the best
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    @kiki to configure emacs maybe. Even that should be vim instead. And even that should be vscode instead. And even that should be retooreditor instead.

    Just kiddin'. Never use retooreditor. You'll lose all your work. It does have less shortcuts to deleting your content than vim does tho. Open vim, type smth, go to view mode and just smash some keys. It will have deleted stuff
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    @jestdotty there is an esoteric emoji language. expectedly it's garbage and only for joke
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    Just you wait, eventually the whole APL shit will come back and we'll need to buy special keyboards for programming.
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    @Ranchonyx oh my dear Felix, you have such high hopes for us…
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    You shut your whore mouth.

    What syntax do you even dislike?
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