Devrant became full of nazi lmao. A litteral fascist can threaten to be violent against immigrants and be upvoted but I am the spammer.

Fuck yall im doing a chaosqueenteam attack.

After work tho

  • 6
    and the worst part is that those stupid subhumans dont even have the balls to explain themselves lmao. They just want to stay in their echo chamber and whine about wokism while they jerk each other off about how soon they're gonna "break an immigrant's neck" from the comfort of their IT salary.

    Can't wait to denazify society
  • 5
    The issue with idiots is that they are not creative or intelligent enough to do anything but follow the rail of their sad existence.

    When you accomplished nothing, you need to find pride in your country and race.
  • 6
    🍿. I think it was written @chaosesqueteam. Miss that pedo lawyer. His botnet was quite impressive. That guy had a full blown psychosis. Over over overworked prolly
  • 8
    "but I am the spammer. "

    two things can be true.

    it is possible that there's nazi garbage AND ostream garbage at the same time.

    and you've been a racist shitcunt yourself often enough, so stfu.
  • 3
    @tosensei racist against germans and brits, the countries who are currently going full nazis? Bitch please. Ostracizing them is just the decent thing to do.

    My grandma told me about the last time we didn't.
  • 6

    "Ostracizing them is just the decent thing to do."

    - Adolf Hitler, 1940
  • 2
    @Hazarth if you guys had ostracized the nazis we wouldn't be in that shit retard.
  • 3
    this should have no place on this platform anyways
  • 2
    @antinazi yeah, no...

    your lack of understanding is so fundamental, you could build a space elevator on it.
  • 2
    @tosensei ah yes sorry I misunderstood. We should be nice to nazis after all they are very fine people who just want to smash immigrants.

  • 3
    @nazisshoulddie don't be chronically online dude. Spending so much time on creating accounts and spamming is just way more energy than a healthy individual should invest into people they dislike. You're only validating the behavior if you engage so much. What do you get in return? A bitterness fueled waste of time and effort. Just redirect that energy towards something actually useful that benefits you or people you care about before It's too late
  • 0
  • 2
    tantrum, tantrum
  • 0
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