
Why arguing with each other while we could reunite and hunt those spammers together?

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    Come and get me ahah
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    I already contacted that hacker guy Lee on WhatsApp once. I told him that I'll hack the fuck outta him if didn't let this platform alone. He blocked me and keeps spamming here
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    Those spammers are really hardcore last few days
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    We need some kinda platform where we all unite against the spammers. Hmm...
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    Guys guys I think you are overthinking it

    Just spam them back.
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    @antinazi let's all contact Lee on WhatsApp. Living botnet
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    One idea for how to handle spam-reports on forums:

    1. Add a "report spam"-button

    2. When a "trusted user" (accounts that are a few years old that have some good posts) uses that button - automatically downrank that post and add a "suspected spam" tag to it.

    3. If a "trusted user" abuses their power they lose it

    Haven't thought it through so maybe it wouldn't hold up.

    And not sure how actively devRant is developed or managed...
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    @jiraTicket isn't this how devrant works right now?
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    @Demolishun LOL maybe!

    I'm personally not seeing a "report spam" button though, maybe I just haven't looked closely enough or maybe I'm not a "trusted user" cause I've been inactive for months before yesterday
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    @jiraTicket do downvote and one option is report offensive/spam. If you use that too much you lose downvote privileges forever. I think "too much" is over short time period.
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