
You know .NET MAUI is a fucked framework if even ChatGPT can’t generate working code.

  • 2
    Also the official documentation, which for UWP was great, sucks ass… they’re using examples of UI guidelines for the Surface Duo.. what
  • 4
    @JS96 I'm more surprised theres ANY microsoft documentation that doesn't suck ass
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    ChatGPT fails to generate working code 80% of the time if the prompt isn’t “how do I write <college comp sci algo> in <python, c, JavaScript>”
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    Solution: Accept the fact that it sucks, accept the fact that they won't unfuck it because of you and just write it.
    Also: ChatGPT doesn't generally generate good code at all, so for your own sake, refrain from using it in this context.
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    @AlgoRythm then you're letting it too much stuff. Ask for small small features. That's 80% OK after small refactor. I don't use it to copy code from. I use it to learn concepts. Why would you let a system program something while you like programming yourself. Be happy it does big code 80% wrong, else we would really lose our jobs. Gpt can writes pieces of a codebase well, not nearly in the neighborhood of making a consistent working project. But we'll get there. Soon we'll use the auto refactor button like we have linter automated well. I'm more and more impressed by AI. If your opinion is a few months old, it's time to retry
  • -1
    @Ranchonyx Chatgpt uses the most common code for certain features. So, could consider that a standard and it's always goal to write code everyone understands. Most code is how you write it yourself - hence - that's why the AI autocomplete became so good. I noticed for a strict language like c it's even better than for python. The web learned code from books originally and we from the web or books. Our source of information is the same as Chatgpt. Why would the code be so bad, doesn't make sense
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    It's actually pretty good at generating great code for Xamarin, C# and .NET in general, with also great solutions for Dev Express components.
    But it's really bad for .NET MAUI.

    It sucks but it became mandatory for a lot of things unfortunately.
    Especially if you don't want to rewrite (to a completely different language) a huge project with 15+ years of code history and that is already used by a lot of companies.

    Exactly, I'm using it in particular for small optimization of existing or new functions, and for boring UI work that just takes a lot of time.
    In this case it's really difficult to generate good and working UI structures, it's not smart enough to understand the logic of .NET MAUI structures.
  • 1
    @JS96 yes exactly, do you use codeium or copilot? For code concepts / examples I just use gpt. I've heard Claude is even better
  • 1
    @retoor ChatGPT.com directly
  • 1
    @JS96 probably would work nice with your framework but codeium AI autocomplete is awesome
  • 0
    Maybe because no one is using it and it doesn’t have enough training data on it?
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