
First day at the new job. So nervous, I feel like I will puke every second.

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    It won't kill you. So, stay calm
  • 6
    Imagine how embarrassing it would be if you puked in front of all of your coworkers.

    Now you have a recursing fear.
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    Don't worry, when you see the codebase you'll puke for different reasons
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    How'd it go?
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    @Ranchonyx Quite good, first day was only onboarding and getting equipment ready. Lot of corporate stuff (time tracking, email/calendar stuff etc.). But everyone was friendly and almost everything worked from the start so a good sign.
    Today I get to meet the team (and code base) so second day of almost puking :D
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    @Katakompe I'm confident you'll do fine. Best of luck!
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