Did you know 4% of the US population actually drank bleach during the first months of covid

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    Is that defined as using peroxide mouthwash or skulling a pint of toilet duck?
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    Then those 4% probably ended up in the statistics of "deaths by covid"
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    @donkulator I remember the label was "I gargeled or swallowed bleach solution"
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    Would be nice if exactly that 4% is still alive. Big chance, covid just 'killed' a view. Traumatizing bullshit period. Covid period and people's behavior was my biggest dissapointment in humanity since I was very positive about average person. During that period, I hated everyone. Back then, everyone was a real nazi
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    @retoor remember the mp3 file I sent you? Pleeease save it. Pretty pretty please
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    @retoor it was the best. I was getting high and playing videogames and going to the beach all the time. Not talking to people did wonder for my mental health. It was so peaceful.

    I wish there's another covid
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    @retoor in the browser? Download the actual file plz :s

    I lost lappy :'( hours of work. I think some bitch took it from backpack.
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    @antigermgerm will save and send back. Sad from your laptop, since you're self employed, extra fuck. What laptop will you buy? I decided that x270 is getting too old. I don't know alternative to buy.. They're all bigger afaik. Also, I like exactly this design / thickness. Decent keys, not those weak keys they have on new laptops. I want to press something
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    @retoor I still had a spare one. I didn't loose anything but a few hours of work for real work.

    And months and months of work on my music. It sucks ass and ive been depressed and had a fight with gf and im burned out.

    I needs hols I'm not on drugz
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    @retoor honestly I think my next purchase will be a real computer. You remember the ones we used to have in little boxes with CD player and shit?

    I have a spare hdd and ram so I could build one for cheap
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    I think it is more than that. There are 15 million missing voters from this last election. That could explain where they went.
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    @antigermgerm I write rewrite stuff that I've already done in no time. Special memory for that, good in remembering source.

    Sad that it's going so bad. How bad is the fight? Taking days off costs you sadly directly money so not really an option huh. I do not see many benefits about being self employed so far.

    How is no drugz? You want to quit?

    What is hols?

    Normal desktop with a k120 is great and cheap. I wouldn't have room for it. I'm working at living room / kitchen table. Not gonna put a computer under that.

    If your spare drive is hdd and not ssd, I would not use it at all. Performance of it during general usage is very noticeable
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    hospitals got money for every person who died of COVID?

    so suddenly bike accidents meant you died of COVID

    because the PCR test has a 70% false positive rate lol
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    @jestdotty I saw somewhere that only 3% of people who died that year died OF covid. The rest died WITH covid, but died of other comorbidities. Also, flu disappeared from the statistics that year. Hospitals got major kickbacks. Especially for ventilator use.

    It was a major numbers game to defraud the public.,
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    @Demolishun and I got banned from reddit by mentioning vitamin c and vitamin d

    vitamin c improved outcomes by 70% lmao

    and the only people dying of COVID seemed to be vitamin d deficient

    seriously these people murdered so many people. it's gross. quickest way to lose faith in humanity. I thought humans were alright before then. what a wild fucking time

    there was a manager I liked at a former workplace and he was black. I think he died. fucked up. all he would've needed was vitamin d.
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    @jestdotty people were on their death bed. People hid ivermectin inside of things to sneak them into the hospital. The people who got it usually recovered within 24 to 48 hours. What kind of fucked up world requires people to sneak life saving remedies into a fucking hospital?
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    @jestdotty I would like to apologize on behalf of the USA to Canada. Apparently a whole segment of mentally ill people are now planning on going to Canada. I especially apologize for the POS celebrities that promised to go there.
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    @jestdotty during the whole pandemic you could have gone into mexico and bought it off the shelf. They had it at airports in pill form. Probably still can.
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    @jestdotty I don't people know about how evil TPTB are. Bill Gates has been doing vaccines for decades. He was instrumental in creating and distributing the Brucellosis for brazil. There was an additive to the transport agent that caused sterility in women. This made 50% of the child bearing aged women in Brazil sterile. The Catholic church caught them doing it again in Africa. The media just made fun of the church. Guess who made a shit ton of money off of vaccines during the pandemic? Bill Gates.

    People think he is evil for his company Microsoft. This dude is on a completely different level of evil.
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    @retoor nah but fuck that I'm off next wednesday. I cant do it anymore i never slowed down for a year and a half. The girl is not happy but fuck this I'm burned out.
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    @retoor but we're fine. Yesterday I had a loooooong walk, I went to the forest nearby the city. The real one that is that forever, not the stupid wood they put here so the king could go hunting.
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    @jestdotty @Demolishum as an extralegal chemical broker, keep in mind I can have anything shipped through your door.

    Did you know there was an LSD analog that doesn't have any psychoactivity but specifically decrease the post-ejaculatory period to a few seconds. So a man can come non-stop and be at it right after.

    Anyway let me know. I have drugs, vaccines, explosives, slaves, children, rare animals, radioactive shit, older celebrities's DNA,...
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    @retoor nah Ihave a sdd, I think 256 or 512g. But I see I can have 12TO Hdd for 120 euros from the dutchies. 12To is enough for cold storage.
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    @antigermgerm what do people do with that much storage? I had 1tb of porn and that's MASSIVE. Can't imagine having more than that
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