
For awhile now, my hopes for humanity just being in a rut, soon to receive some motivational kick in the rear or the helicopter parent trend, skyrocketing over the past ~20yrs giving rise to snowflakes and seemingly imminent social\financial doom, keep going steeper downhill.

The overuse and\or reliance on, both term and tech, AI has been particularly disturbing and painfully ironic...

Seems it's overwhelmed my, typically instant, reslisations of severe head-scratchers that have nothing to do with AI and even, apparently, denote actual honesty and effort employed.

today, within moments, quickly scrolling on eBay i found 2, new to me... which is quite rare, perplexing 'wtf's.

1. a laptop clearly stating, multiple times, reiterated, not copy\paste... that not only was it lacking a hard drive... but "no hard drive cable"...
my mind briefly tried to figure that one out
... even considered searching yheir several other lots to see if they typically included the "hard drive cable" or if they were often denying customers of this clearly standard component.

2- see pic
it was so soon after the 1st find that i briefly considered that i was missing something... aside from faith in humanity, nope.

that said, i do respect their blunt, bold\capslock committee to transparent honesty.

  • 0
    Can you post the link? And does it run wukong??
  • 1
    Basically, they're selling a processor not a laptop?
  • 2
    honest appreciated
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    Selling: car. Does not turn over. Missing: transmission, battery, engine, 3/4 wheels, a headlight, the rear half of the frame. Buy for parts only!
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm yeah beat this…selling a vintage Batman figurine…missing: figurine
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    I ended up messaging the seller(not sure if i got a response cuz i havent been back to look for one)...

    from the way it was written i just reeeeeaally wanted to know if he realised that no standard\marketed (basically anything not specifically made for some unimaginably ridiculous reason(s)) computer can ever boot to BIOS if it has no RAM.

    so... did he mean that somehow BIOS, with working RAM is somehow non-functional?

    ... aside from someone directly opening it up and removing or, with much skill and precision, intentionally shorting out only the BIOS storage chip... id really want to buy it just to discover why\how.


    does he not know any OS, including BIOS requires RAM?

    the only other thing i can think of is that, for some, likely nonsensical, reason, he really wanted to make sure that a potential buyer wasnt buying a gutted computer to play in BIOS (which tbh sounds nutty even to me... and on rare occasion i write code in winre)
  • 1
    @awesomeest how did this monkey even figure out how to take it apart without basic knowledge like needing ram. Maybe watched a LEARN TO TAKE APART A LAPTOP IN LESS THAN ONE MINUTE crash bullshit course on TikTok from some influencer with millions of followers aka bots
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