Hey Linux users!

I have successfully convinced a friend to change from MacOS to a Linux based system (because she needs new hardware).
Now I am asking myself which distribution would be most qualified for her. She is a relatively old lady and only knows Mac (no Windows or Linux knowledge), so it should be easier for her if the new system would look similar to the Mac environment she knows. (Using console is no problem.)
Another point is compatibility: She needs some (commercial) software (like GitKraken and design stuff), so it would be cool if the Linux versions of them would work on the distro (for one or two programmes Wine is needed).
After my own reasearch I came up with Elementary OS or Gmac.
Because I have no experience with Mac I want to ask you: Has anyone here some experiences with these two systems and/or with a change from Mac to Linux and could recommand a distribution or desktop environment?

Thank you!

  • 6
    Why exactly are you moving her to Linux? Doesn’t really sound like it’s the best thing for her
  • 1
    It boils down to DE and metaphors. macOS doesn't have a clear desktop metaphore like Windows and some Linux DE's. GNOME is probably the closest match (alongside Deepin) I can think of. So go Ubuntu or Ubuntu GNOME (or Elementary)

    Another DE with a loose desktop metaphore is KDE Plasma. So Kubuntu or Manjaro.
  • 1
    Because she doesn't want to spend thousands of Euros for a new Mac and is pissed of of some Apple restrictions.
    Besides that she really likes the idea of free software.
  • 1
    @theuser Thanks!
    I will have a look at KDE Plasma and Manjaro.
    A Ubuntu based system seems very qualified.
  • 1
    @Benedikt yep Ubuntu seems Simple and stable, or else you could go for mint.
  • 2
    her design software will likely not run on linux, adobe suite etc.
  • 4
    ElementaryOS looks like MacOS
  • 1
    Read half of your post -> Ubuntu. She should use Ubuntu.
  • 2
    Okay, thank you all a lot!
    I will show her Ubuntu and Elementary OS. She will know by herself which one fits better.
  • 0
    @Benedikt Kubuntu maybe?
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