
fuck css (CASCADING STYLE SHIT) fuck css css son of fuckign whore i will learn c++ but no tthis fucking son of bitch after 4 fucking years in industry now i completed a whole course on fucking css and i go to a blank page created a div to practice and all i want it to make the div appear in center there is not fucking way i can do it son of whore css AYOOOO fuck css yeah!?
fuck this bitch ass niggas pussy fuck son of whole fuck bitch css cascading style shit its so fucking complex flex fucking box grid fucking dick align items inside my wifes pussy justify my asshole motherfucker nowrap my ass maybe wrap my ass bitch pusy

I would prefer to DESIGN A WHOLE FUCKInG ALGORITHM then to center a fucking div or align items inside my ass

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    Learning flex will help with your frustration.

    Not trying to memorize the entire css3 spec will also help.

    Memorize the stuff you actually use all the time and make notes about the rest.
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    Did you ensure the body/html fills the page?

    100vh and 100vw or 100% on the parent and then depending on needs then either flex, grid, transform, auto margins, position fixed + inset: 0 (I'm sure there are more ways but those work for me ~100% of the time, sometimes have to combine)

    Will agree, learning flex makes it pretty simple the css tricks article is pretty good (https://css-tricks.com/snippets/...)
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