
told my blonde ex whore how im leaving her and im gonna enjoy my life building a future with another girl who truly loves me, and she can only watch us and rot alone

she started cutting her veins with a knife

  • 3
    Wait, you haven’t left her yet?
  • 2
    Please tell me you stopped her
  • 0
    @Lensflare mentally i left her since 22nd may 2024 (day when she admitted to cheating for the past 2 years), now 8 months later im physically detaching apart from this garbage of a human waste
  • 0
    @cafecortado i didnt give a fuck the same way how she didnt give a fuck about me when she was consciously fucking others.

    All whores deserve to die.
  • 4
    @b2plane so, physically you haven‘t left her and still fucked with her while also planning the future with your new love.

    > All whores deserve to die.

    Harakiri then?

    I guess it‘s ok when you do it because you are the victim, right?
  • 0
    @Lensflare some female must pay for the damage caused to me while i was truly trying to be a good person

    wouldn't complain if damage was caused to me as a consequence of my intentional evil actions

    my actions were pure
  • 1
    @Lensflare Well, if she is good in bed, no need to hurry right ? But at some point, morally, you are just lying to yourself I guess...
  • 3
    Man, some people just can't stop creating problems for their own life
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