
freud was all like, dreams are about your subconscious talking to you

woo-woo circles go further, and it's basically the universe telling you what you need to know. to quote some stoner I met once, "if you dream, you're a shaman"

this morning I had a dream that I was in high school and Oprah Winfry was sitting on some cushions on the floor with her girlfriends. she said she got sick but then took this thing and it amazingly made all her sickness go away, expressing how surprisingly easy it was before her whole group got situated into their official girltalk. I asked her something cryptic and inoffensive (forget now, was deliberately not trying to get political though) and she cold shouldered me, nose up in the air and all her girlfriends followed suite

in the dream then I remembered I had this stuff in my locker and told myself to try it when I get to it

... then I woke up and in reality I bought this thing ages ago and it's in one of my cabinets. ate it and dream Oprah Winfrey maybe was right. message received I guess

now I'm taking medical advice from spirits of my enemies, I guess?

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    I think this whole thing about dreams having some meaning was already debunked.
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    @jestdotty it‘s clear as day that what I said is not my opinion.
    I don‘t have an opinion on this topic because I don’t know shit about it.
    I just remember that I have read multiple times that those who know something about this topic, agree that dreams have no meaning.
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    @Lensflare but do they have a purpose? or are just for our entertainment while in the rejuvenation state... I think even the so-called dream experts have no real clue about it, but at least they agree on some points ;)
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    @We3D yeah, iirc, we still have no good explanation why dreams exist. But not everything has purpose or meaning. Look at astrology. It‘s all meaningless bullshit. And people trying to assign purpose or meaning to something where there is none are doing more harm than good. Dreams might be just like that.

    I say it MIGHT be, because I don‘t know. Nobody knows.
  • 3
    @Lensflare yep, and also lucid dreaming can be really useful if practiced not only for fun, and yet in the fun one can still gain exp and knowledge... or at least I heard so... had only 1 partially lucid dream so far ;)
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    @We3D I tried lucid dreaming with some mild success but due to my severe insomnia it's really not worth it, unfortunately.
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    @Lensflare I get to the dream land far long after I get in bed and that might be one of my problems in that area, but mainly that no matter how ridiculous the situation in my dream is I'm just like: that's normal, nothing unusual around... even if I see a giant billboard saying HEY Acnapyx YOU ARE FUCKING DREAMING MAN, GET LUCID, I'll be like, nah, that's not for me... them stupid ads again :D
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    Darling freud was a cocain addict who thought the only thing women want is a penis between their legs. He kept on smoking cigars even as the cancer was slicing his chin. He died chinless.
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    @antigermanist that’s a pity because he had a badass beard!
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    @Lensflare bullshit. His beard was ridiculous. Marx, Abraham and Mohamed all have greater beard. Not to mention kropotkin.
  • 0
    @antigermanist I mean a badass beard without looking like a terrorist!
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