
I got a chance to use Grok and the image templates are very nice, I can see the appeal. Millions of versions of the same thing should be interesting to see, I can already notice most images that use these templates.

If you look like this contact me, it's very important! (For coffee reasons).

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    B&W manual edit.
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    @retoor I have an offline android, phone only. What makes you think I have an iphone?
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    @retoor This is your bot again isn't it lol
  • 1
    @retoor If you found the router, (which wouldn't be difficult) that's someone else's iphone. There's nothing else on that router except a sky box.
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    @retoor I only use it for calls and txts, It can connect, but I don't use that feature. Grok is available on a browser, it costs about £280 a year to access.
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