
I now just need symbols for - (minus/negative dashes are used as word sepperators) + ÷ × and =

Also ? ! And .

  • 1
    How is this different from 0 to F?
  • 2
  • 1
    Hexadecimal numbers:
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

    I don’t understand the context in which you are asking for feedback.
  • 2

    This is to replace the standard counting system: 0-9 with a base16: 1-15 system. I was asking for feedback on the symbols.

    This is for:
  • 13
    Very structured numeric symbols always feel fake, and it makes reading numbers much more difficult.

    It's harder to determine at-a-glance what number is what when the symbols are so similar. Also, no written number system in the world does this. This is why it feels fake.

    To remedy: design different glyphs for 0-15. It's more fun, too 🙂

    However, if you want an easy way to distinguish numbers from other glyphs, take some inspiration from Hindi! Have each glyph connect in some way, or share an overall theme that differs from the rest of the glyphs.
  • 4

    For now I will stick with a more broken base16 approach.

    Counting to 9 and doing

    X•X•X•X = xxxx instead of XXX = xxxx

    Edit: because I suck as division.
  • 5
    @fox8091 To be precise: You always start with 0.
    E.g.: In base10 you have the set of numbers [0, 9] (= interval of whole numbers from 0 to 9).
    These numbers are used for the figure in each decade.

    In base16 you have a bigger set of numbers, namely [0, f] (= {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f} ).
  • 4

    That was a typo.
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