So yesterday I had to travel to a different city, which is around 200km to get to (~125 miles), to get my dad to a hospital.
While waiting for him to get processed I did some coding and everything went smooth.

When I came back home, even though my credentials were valid and all, Cognito decided that I'm attempting an "account takeover" and denied my login.

Truly a time to be alive.

Oh, and fuck you Cognito :)

  • 4
    Hope your dad's ok bro <3
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    @retoor, We have completed all your orders. The site has been cleared of spam. We are waiting for your new orders. Press 1 to continue. Press 2 to contact the Operator. Press "STOP" to cancel the subscription.
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    @retoor, We have completed all your orders. The site has been cleared of spam. We are waiting for your new orders. Press 1 to continue. Press 2 to contact the Operator. Press "STOP" to cancel the subscription.
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    @antigermanist thanks <3 he's fine :D
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