
Real story :

There's this one colleague, who was a very good friend of mine. Always helped me in everything. That one friend in the team, who shares a lot of stuff with you.

And she suddenly, turns offensive when it comes to professional things and mainly competitive stuff in the team.
She becomes a completely different person when I get recognition for something in the team or when I become popular in the team.

She has that feeling that she should always stay in the lime light.
When I steal the show by doing something good, she starts to show faces.
Decided that it is a unhealthy friendship, as the friend i knew is no longer a friend when it comes into professional behavior at work,
And it started reflecting a lot in our personal friendship, outside work too.

Decided to cut the friendship and only be colleagues.

Did the same happen to someone else? Did you lose a friend because of things like this?

  • 1
    @Nanos :
    The same happened bro.
    The friend is not a real friend, if he is not happy for your success.
  • 1
    Yes, this has happened to me before, too.
    From both men and women in about equal amounts.

    I learned to spot the signs early on and avoid these people.
  • 2
    For me every colloague is only colleague. Funny and friendly but not a real friend.
  • 1
    @Nanos craving attention no matter the source or situation. Getting miffed or angry if they don't get it.

    Many other small things, but that is the most common / apparent one.
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