
How long before game UI/HUDs will be implemented using HTML/electron/some other shiny web tech to make cross-platform easier? As cursed as it is, it really it's one of the few “complete” packages when it comes to dealing with UI that I'm aware of

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    Maybe it's already happening, you can't know. Wouldn't be a bad idea.
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    Doesn't OpenMW use some form of XML-looking markup for generating UI elements? Shoot, doesn't every other GUI program do this too?

    One time, I said I'll just do everything with straight up C and OpenGL. Don't remember how that went. I got sidetracked and stopped working on it.
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    Unlikely. If you can only render the hud in it, what's the point you've still got to implement/use some way to render the rest of the screen which probably requires click support and so there's probably a button api already built in, so why bother taking on a browser as a dependency because some incompetent script kiddy can't learn a real language? If you try rendering the entire screen in it let me introduce you to this thing called "performance" while your game looks like a slide show.
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    @atheist click handling was the last of my concerns when I thought about it, dealing with different screen requirements was more what I was thinking about, e.g. DPI, dealing with safe zones and those flavours of fun. Browsers have had plenty of performance for years, probably exceeding Unreal Engine's blueprints when that was originally released. Heck Node has comparable speed to Java if you look at stuff like this (but doesn't scale as well): https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/...
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    people who write anything else but javascript should be deported to a special re-education camp. And then quartered and hang, sliced in little dice and then the dices should get raped by a bunch of monkey on crack.
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    There was this c++ lib I used way more than 10 years ago named rocket which essentially let you use a subset of html and css to build UIs.

    You can do it easily nowadays with chromium embedded framework and off screen buffers.

    Most game engines already use CEF in some capacity.
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    Warcraft 3 Reforged menu is/was an electron app, google that one.
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