
Fuck you you fucking fuck, why would you change an api without any notification?

Background: built an app for a customer, it needs to fetch data frlman external api, and save it to a db.
Customer called: it's broken what did you do?!?
Me: I'll look into it.

Turned out the third party just changed their api... Guess I should implenent some kind of notification, if no messages come in for some time...

  • 4
    Also versioning your api's should keep that from happening.
  • 3
    @gizmo3399 well, it's not my api, the customer required me to use a api by a third party he does busines with. Those suckers don't do api versioning and make breaking changes without prior warning... >.<
  • 2
    @Wack in this case you can be very transparent and tell your customer that their choice was a bad one and you can't give any SLA for the depending parts.
  • 1
    @Wack Yeah i hate it when public API's are not setup correctly.
    If its a prive API you can do whatever you want but public API's should at least have versioning to avoid breaking changes
  • 3
    @SeriousM oh, don't worry, I did (and somehow they got the point).
    @gizmo3399 absolutly, my customer pais money for that service and they just change it without any kind of warnig... Well, they now want to move away from that provider because of that incident. I'd like to stay, because beside that one fuckup they provide a good service. Bjt we'll see.
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