I'm not a designer but...

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  • 4
    You're not a designer and this isn't DesignRant.
  • 11
    Frontend web development is also dev related. Therefore, anything design-related should also be on here.
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    And then there’s the people using Comic Sans in non-childish places
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    @Michelle What about developmental psychopathologists and city developers
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    I always see comic sans
  • 2
    I would have thought you were more clever than this, but it appears I was mistaken.
    In simple terms:

    Web development → Done on the computer with specific software

    City and other developer → Not done on the with specific software

    There is a difference. -_-
  • 3
    @Michelle Haha I get that, I was just joking about what "belongs" on devRant. Many things can develop, not just code/designs on a computer. Brains, cities, railroads...
  • 1
    Only 339++ left to get my stress ball :p
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