
My senior keep touching my laptop screen whenever I am showing him something on my laptop and I hate it from the bottom of my heart.
What do you think is the best creative way to tell him to stop?

  • 2
    "If I would like to show you the default of your wife/husband, would I touch him/her? No, so stop touching the screen"
  • 3
    Just spread some mayo or something like that over the screen. Nobody wants to touch that
  • 4
    Spray water at his hand "baaaad senior!" and give him sweets if he does not do it.
  • 2
    Keep cloth and cleaner with you. Whenever they touch the screen, just spray and clean the screen. They will stop eventually.
  • 4
    Look for an annoying/warning sound and bind it to a hotkey. Every time he touches the screen, press the key.
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    @LastDigitOfPi damn. You where faster. Didn't scroll down before writing.
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    There should be an app or script or program or whatever that screams STOP TOUCHING ME!!! every time someone touches the screen. Big market for it.
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    @gurumeditation wouldn't the screen need to detect being touched though? 🤔
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    @jmclemo6 Yeah, you know, like... a touchscreen?!
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    @gurumeditation what is the point of having touchscreen if it will keep yelling at me 😂😂
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    @neriald you did read the original post, did you?
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    Coat your screen with deadly poison. Sooner or later he will stop touching your screen...
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    @gurumeditation nvm bro too hangover to explain it to you
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    A slap per touch?
    A loud scream per touch?
    A postit in the face per touch?
    A flick in the ear or nose per touch?

    It is important that the these actions are the only feedback the lead receives, you must do them and then act as if nothing happened.
    A prize should be given for every time you show the screen and no touch happens.

    Or you can you say it "no touchy the screen please"
  • 3
    When he is touching it:

    "Yeah touch that screen...touch that screen good and hard"

    Best case scenario he will stop, worst case he will get horny
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    Tell him that indexes start at 1, he will never want to see anything you made again.

    Problem solved 😎😂
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    Tell him that sometimes if u touch the screen, you get electric shock..
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