Not using this in interview is recommended, but not required

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    It's a bullshit question that gets asked by inexperienced interviewers.

    I think that the best way to answer it is to deflect the question: I think that whatever answer I give you will never be completely honest, so I think I would like us to just move on to your next question.

    About the only reason why anybody would want to ask this is to see how you would respond to this, not expecting honesty, but rather how you can wiggle out of uncomfortable questions. What can have some value... If you are going into management.
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    True that @nickhh
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    @No-one thank you
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    "Name a weakness"

    "I have difficulty coming up with BULLSHIT ANSWERS to BULLSHIT QUESTIONS."

    "Fair enough."
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    My weakness I find hitting interviewers hard in the face is absolutely mandatory after shit questions
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    @lazyDev so how many interviews have you been rejected from? 😂
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    @arcadesdude that's pretty straight forward answer.. You are selected
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    Can you not blatently repost things you found on /devhumor
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    Thank you for telling me the source.. I had forgotten where i had saved this meme from..
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