
A client was talking to me all day asking about my "hacking" experience.

I taught he was going to ask for a pen test for his trampoline website. At the end of the day, he revealed he wanted me to hack the "competition's databases" so he can promote his "very unique trampoline accessory".

Guess what happened? Nothing, cause fuck legal trouble!

  • 3
    Welcome to DevRant
  • 13
    Should have brought up a terminal and typed a bunch of random commands for like 5 minute and then closed it and said "you have nothing to worry about now..." And took off with the money
  • 1
    @g-m-f Heh, Thanks :)
  • 6
    "very unique trampoline accessory"

    you had my curiosity but now you have my attention
  • 2
    @Tudor what's the accessory? I'm coming up with some wild ideas, and I feel I might be a bit off base...

    Also, welcome!!!!
  • 1
    @QueenMorgana nothing like a good bounce, right?
  • 0
    @ParkCity that word means so many things...
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